Call for Proposals: Host ALWD’s 2027 Biennial Conference
Planning for ALWD’s 2027 Biennial Conference has begun, and you are cordially invited to submit a proposal to host the conference!
As 2024 winds down and you are setting goals for 2025, consider thinking long term: hosting the ALWD Biennial Conference provides a key opportunity for the host institution to highlight its commitment to our discipline, foster love and adoration of your beloved hometowns, and, of course, garner appreciation and adoration from your ALWD colleagues.
If this opportunity sounds like something you are interested in—and really, who wouldn’t be—submit your proposal to host!
DEADLINE: Site proposals are due by Monday, March 3, 2025. (Submission details are provided in the Site Proposal Form.)
- ALWD Conference Fact Sheet: The fact sheet includes information about the conference logistics and minimum site requirements, along with ALWD’s Diversity Policy.
- Site Proposal Form: You will see on the form a set of site-selection criteria. The ALWD Board, in collaboration with the 2027 ALWD Conference Site Selection Committee, developed and approved these criteria for selecting the conference site. Our goal is to ensure the selected site reflects the values of ALWD, especially with respect to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
2027 ALWD Conference Site Selection Committee
Amy Milligan, Committee Chair
University of South Carolina School of Law
Brenda Bauges
University of Idaho College of Law
Chelsi Hayden
University of Nebraska College of Law
Stevie Leahy
Suffolk University Law School
Yan Slavinkiy
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles