July 2025 Arizona State University—Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

2025 Biennial Conference
July 16-18, 2025

2015 ALWD - Heart and Soul: LRW at the Center of Legal Education


Association of Legal Writing Directors 2015 Conference

Heart and Soul: LRW at the Center of Legal Education 

June 3-5, 2015

Hosted by the University of Memphis School of Law in Memphis, Tennessee

Conference Website


Heart and Soul: LRW at the Center of Legal Education: The conference presentations will explore the many ways in which the LRW curriculum and LRW professors are the heart and soul of our law schools, our law schools' curricula, and legal education generally.  Presentations will begin Wednesday afternoon and continue for full days on Thursday and Friday, with an ALWD membership meeting during lunch on Thursday and a plenary presentation during lunch on Friday.

Of course, we'll also show you some of the heart and soul of Memphis!  We'll begin on Wednesday evening with the Opening Reception in Memphis Law's Reading Room, which provides a panoramic view of the Mississippi River and the riverfront.  Our Gala Dinner on Thursday evening will be held at the National Civil Rights Museum and includes an optional tour of the Museum.  A summer trip to Memphis just would not be complete without a Memphis Redbirds baseball game.  So, on Friday night, we'll enjoy a ballpark buffet and watch the Redbirds take on the Las Vegas 51s, all from the comfort of the Third-Base Party Deck.

Please visit the conference website to register for the conference and to get additional details on the conference and the amazing lineup of presentations: http://www.memphis.edu/law/events/alwd2015.php

We hope to see you in June!

pdfFull Conference Program691.64 KB