Leadership Academy

The Leadership Academy is an outgrowth of the Diversity Strategic Action Plan adopted by the ALWD Board in January 2018.  Guided by the ALWD Board’s broad vision for the Academy, the ALWD Leadership and Development Committee planned the inaugural Leadership Academy and brought the Board's vision to reality in May 2019.  

The Leadership Academy provides an opportunity for legal writing faculty to develop their leadership skills in a small group setting.  Among other things, the Academy focused on building cultural competency and other skills or practices important to developing well-rounded and inclusive leaders. Additionally, the Academy incorporates expert speakers and facilitators in the field of leadership, including experts on leadership in the legal writing field. 

ALWD looks forward to supporting legal writing professionals as leaders through the Leadership Academy. ALWD hosts the Leadership Academy every other year, in connection with the ALWD Biennial Conference. The next Leadership Academy will be held as part of the 2025 ALWD Biennial Conference. Please check back soon for information about the 2025 Leadership Academy.