ALWD’s central mission is to support its members in their professional development as teachers, scholars, and leaders. That work is primarily accomplished through the efforts of volunteers who serve on committees. Through almost twenty different committees, volunteers plan conferences, award grants, hold workshops, collect and report detailed data on legal writing faculty and curricula, and develop other innovative ways to further the discipline of legal writing.
Committee chairs and members are appointed by ALWD’s president, typically in August or September, and serve one-year terms.
Current ALWD Committee & Task Force Members
ABA Task Force +
Adjunct Programs Committee +
ALWD Guide Task Force +
Berger Award Selection Committee +
Blackwell Award Selection Committee +
Blackwell Reception Committee +
Bylaws Committee +
Conference Committee +
Distinguished Speaker Series Committee +
Diversity Committee +
Elections Committee +
Leadership and Development Committee +
New Directors Committee +
New Member Outreach Committee +
Online/Distance Learning Committee +
Publications Committee +
Scholars Forum Committee +
Scholarship Grants Committee +
Survey Committee +
Teaching Grants Committee +
Teaching Workshops Committee +
Website Committee +