July 2025 Arizona State University—Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

2025 Biennial Conference
July 16-18, 2025
Registration closed on June 15, 2023.
Also please make hotel reservations at your earliest opportunity! We have a few rooms remaining in the official conference hotel, the Irvine Marriott, on July 12 and 13. To register for these rooms at the official conference rate of $229 per night, use this link or call the Reservations Line at (800) 228-9290 using the ALWD Biennial Conference group name.
We have also organized a second block of rooms in the Sonesta Irvine Hotel. Our transportation shuttle will make stops at both hotels. To register for these rooms at the UC-Irvine rate, which starts at $210 per night depending on room type, use this link and the corporate/promo code UC8.

ALWD 2023 comnference

Dear colleagues,
I am excited to invite you to the 2023 ALWD Biennial Conference, titled Raising the Bar: Reaching New Heights through Innovation and Collaboration. The conference will take place July 12-14, 2023, and it will be hosted by the University of California, Irvine School of Law. Many leaders from around the country have been working hard to create a program and conference experience that will challenge and reinvigorate attendees. Your participation will enhance the event. Please plan to join us.
Through this conference, we seek to creatively revisit how we teach, publish, and lead. We will leverage past achievements to build new momentum and support enhanced connections throughout our organization. And, of course, we will continue our important work focused on organizational priorities like diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with balance and wellbeing. All in all, the conference program will push us to reconsider what we do, and how we do it, so that we may improve our efficacy, our efficiency, and our professional satisfaction.
One reason this conference is exciting is that it presents an opportunity for us to gather in person and return to pre-pandemic routines. Our 2021 conference, occurring during the peak of the pandemic, was held entirely online. We were fortunate that technology allowed us to move forward with that event when travel and large gatherings were on hold. We learned a great deal at that conference, just as we have learned a great deal during the pandemic. Regarding conferences, one thing that many of us came to understand is that impromptu conversations during meals or between presentations can be just as valuable as formal programming. We are so fortunate to be able to meet in person once again in 2023.
I deeply appreciate all you do to support ALWD and our discipline. And I’ll be delighted to see you in Irvine next summer.
Together, we go further.

Rebekah Hanley
ALWD President, 2022-2023