A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Thornton Karen

Karen DaPonte Thornton*


egal employers expect attorneys in their offices to use the ethos of personal appearance to project an image of competence to clients. This expectation is largely unspoken, however, and polling and anecdotal evidence alike show that in today’s workplace, employers are frustrated with the level of professionalism demonstrated by new employees. The goal of this article is to encourage open conversations about workplace fashion as it relates to an attorney’s professional identity. It is in both the employer’s and employee’s interests to clarify employer expectations and empower new members of the legal profession to adopt a personal sense of style that projects competence, leadership, and professionalism, without subtracting out the self. Professional style and ethos, not conformity, should be the goal of office dress codes. This article is written from the perspective of a legal writing professor and advocates an approach to building a positive office culture by training new lawyers to parse the message of unwritten dress codes and participate in drafting inclusive office policies that accommodate disparate cultural, racial, and gender experiences. By making the unconscious conscious through open communication about employer goals and employees’ professional identities, biases can be overcome and new attorneys prepared for a profession where choice of dress projects an instantaneous message about an individual’s business judgment.

* Associate Professor of Legal Research and Writing, The George Washington University School of Law. For their exceptionally helpful comments, conversations, and support, I thank Iselin Gambert, Christy DeSanctis, Kristin Konrad Tiscione, Naomi Schoenbaum, Jill Baisinger, Jessica Clark, Steve Schooner, Mary Kate Hunter, Lisa McElroy, and Sean Thornton. And for their impressive editing, I thank the team of Jeffrey Jackson, Amy Langenfeld, Joan Magat, and Ruth Anne Robbins. It was an absolute delight to work with you.