A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Barbara K. Gotthelf*

* Barbara K. Gotthelf is a litigation partner in the Philadelphia and Newark, N.J., offices of McCarter & English, LLP, and an adjunct professor of law at Rutgers School of Law-Camden, where she earned her law degree in 1988.

I wish to thank Melody Daily and Jeffrey Jackson for their incisive editing; Chris Rideout, Jane Siegel, Rachel Stabler, Ruth Anne Robbins, Carol Hucks and Nicholas Christenfeld for their valuable feedback on various drafts; Lou Sirico, Jill Ramsfield and the Legal Writing Institute for welcoming me into the fold; and Logan Elliott Pettigrew for his uncanny research skills. Special thanks to Ruth Anne Robbins and Rutgers School of Law-Camden, for handing me classrooms full of law students and letting me have more fun than I could have imagined.