A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Michael D. Murray*

* Associate Professor of Law, Valparaiso University School of Law. I thank Professors Christy DeSanctis (George Washington) and Elizabeth Keith (American) for their input, and Carol Parker (Tennessee) for her editing, and I especially thank my legal writing and rhetoric colleagues who filled the room to overflowing at the Biennial National Conference of the Legal Writing Institute, Palm Desert, California, June 1, 2012, when the background research on parentheticals and preliminary results on the use of parentheticals in U.S. Supreme Court opinions first was presented. I am humbled that so many of my colleagues expressed their interest and enthusiasm about the topic, and I appreciate the comments and suggestions received from the attendees at that session. I also thank Melissa Croom and Rachel Williams, present and
former J.D. students at Valparaiso, for their research assistance.