A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Michael D. Murray*

* Associate Professor of Law, Valparaiso University School of Law. Professor Murray thanks Kristen K. Robbins-Tiscione (Georgetown), Christy DeSanctis (George Washington), David E. Sorkin (John Marshall-Chicago), and the participants in the Scholars’ Forum of the Capital Area Legal Writing Conference at George Washington University Law School, February 25, 2011, for their thoughtful and insightful comments on this article, and Linda Berger (Mercer), Bruce Berner (Valparaiso), Bruce Ching (Valparaiso), Michael DeSanctis (Jenner & Block), Terry Phelps (American), and the participants in the “Rhetoric and Persuasion: The Substance of Our Discipline” session at the 2011 AALS Annual Meeting, Legal Writing, Reasoning, and Research Section for their comments on the presentation of this article. He also thanks Jenna Throw, Valparaiso JD candidate 2011, for her research assistance.