A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Aliza B. Kaplan & Kathleen Darvil*

* Associate Professor of Legal Analysis & Writing, Lewis & Clark Law School. J.D., Northeastern University School of Law, B.A. The George Washington University. I am indebted to my former colleagues at Brooklyn Law School, Professors Elizabeth Fajans, Linda Feldman, Jayne Ressler, and Cynthia Godsoe, who provided their suggestions or comments on previous drafts of this article. I would also like to thank Brooklyn Law School students, Kristin Gallagher (2011) and Kristie LaSalle (2012) for their invaluable assistance. Thank you Guruji for your light, my parents for their encouragement, and Sean, Ezra, and our girls for their love. ** Access Services–Reference Librarian and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School; Fordham University, School of Law, J.D.; University of Michigan, School of Information, M.S.I.; University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, A.B. I would like to specially thank Professor Victoria Szymczak, Director of the Brooklyn Law School Library for providing me with the opportunity and time to write this article, and for her invaluable commentary in reviewing previous drafts. I would also like to thank Professor Jean Davis, Reference Librarian for the Brooklyn Law School Library, for offering insightful guidance and criticism in reviewing previous drafts of this paper. Finally, I am forever grateful for the continual love and support of my family, especially my husband, Ben.