A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Greg Sergienko*

* © Greg Sergienko 2002. All rights reserved. Professor Sergienko earned his J.D.from Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, and teaches at Western State University Collegeof Law. He has taught a variety of substantive law subjects, including Contracts, Torts, CivilProcedure, and Remedies, as well as Legal Research and Writing. He is the author of Improvingthe Evaluation of Learning in Law Schools, 38 San Diego L. Rev. 463 (2001). He may be reached at(714) 738-1000 ext. 2530 or gregs@wsulaw.edu and gsergienko@aol.com.Michael Hunter Schwartz, a colleague at Western State University, was a co-presenter ofthis material at the ALWD conference. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he was notable to participate fully in writing this essay, and he insisted on my taking credit as sole author.However, it is my pleasure to acknowledge Mike’s contributions, both to this presentation andto better teaching in law school generally. He is the author of Teaching Law by Design: HowLearning Theory and Instructional Design Can Inform and Reform Law Teaching, 38 San. Diego L. Rev.347 (2001), which addresses the reform of law school instruction. Laura Rovner graciouslyreviewed a draft.It is also my pleasure to acknowledge the helpful comments made at our presentation atthe conference of the Association of Legal Writing Directors and during the editorial process.