A publication of the Association of Legal Writing Directors

Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD
Advancing the study of professional legal writing and lawyering.
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Randy Hertz*

* © Randy Hertz 2002. All rights reserved. Professor Hertz teaches in New YorkUniversity’s Capital Defender Clinic and Juvenile Rights Clinic. He worked previously at thePublic Defender Service for the District of Columbia. He writes in the areas of criminal andjuvenile justice, and he is a co-author of Federal Habeas Corpus Law and Practice and the TrialManual for Defense Attorneys in Juvenile Court. Professor Hertz is the editor-in-chief of the ClinicalLaw Review and a member of the Council of the ABA’s Section of Legal Education andAdmissions to the Bar. In the past he served as a consultant to the MacCrate Task Force, as areporter for the Wahl Commission, and as the chair of the AALS Standing Committee onClinical Legal Education.